
Prof. P.S Sha Valli Khan

Developing commercial micropropagation protocol of walnut (Juglans regia L) sponsored by Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. (Feb 2000-Jan 2004). [ ].

Introduction of new table and processing quality Citrus cultivars in Punjab sponsored by Punjab Agri Exports Corporation Ltd. (PAGREXCO) and Ministry of Food and Processing Industries (MFPI), Government of India. (Mar 2002-Jan 2004) [ ].

Tissue culture and salinity in Paulownia fortunei sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. (Mar 2002-Jan 2003) [SR/FTP/LS-A-48.2001 at].

Biofuel production from hydrocarbon yielding plants sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. (Apr 2007-May 2011) [DST/TSG/AF/2007/51 at ].

Biotechnology interventions for production of androgenic haploids to speed and support breeding of ginger sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India under NER-TWINING program. (Apr 2011-March 2014) [BT/341N/TBP/2010 at ]

Gametic embryogenesis in popular and commercial cultivars of mango awarded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi (Apr 2012-March 2015) [41-451/2012 (SR) at ]

Proteomic analysis of drought stress tolerance in finger millet (Eleusine corcana L.) by Science and Engineering Research Board, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. (Feb 2016-Jan 2019) [EMR/2015/00045 at ]

Prof. P. Chandra Obul Reddy
Title of the Project Funding Agency Project Worth (In Rs. Lakhs) Duration
Physiological and Molecular Basis of Drought Tolerance in Landraces of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italic L.) : Mapping Population Development, Evaluation and QTL Identification (Co-PI) DST-SERB, New Delhi 51.89 2019-2022
Identification of drought responsive microRNAs in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using drought tolerant and drought sensitive groundnut genotypes UGC, New Delhi, In the form of Raman Postdoctoral Fellowship 22.86 2014-2015
Development of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) transgenics carrying HD-START transcription factor for improved drought stress tolerance Department         of

Science          and Technology (D.S.T), Govt. of India, New Delhi

26.60 2009-2012


Development of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) transgenics carrying HD-START and DREB1F transcription factors for improved abiotic stress tolerance Council of Scientific and     Industrial Research (C.S.I.R), Govt. of India, New Delhi 20.00 2009-2012
Phytoremediation of Uranium enriched soils: Molecular, Biochemical and Transgenic approach Department    of Biotechnology (D.B.T), Govt. of India, NewDelhi 25.00 2009-2012


Screening of small millets for abiotic stress tolerance: A physiological approach Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Andhra Pradesh. 01.50 2010-2012


Molecular Tagging of Tobacco Streak Virus gene: Screening Sunflower for Resistance to Tobacco Streak Virus and Mapping the TSV Resistance Gene (CO-PI) Vibha Agrotech, Ltd, Hyderabad. 09.97 2009-2011


Molecular tagging of stress tolerant small millet varieties and development of genetic and

genomic resources for molecular breeding

Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Andhra Pradesh. 02.50 2010-2012


Prof. A. Madhusudhana Reddy
Title of the Project Funding Agency Project Worth (In Rs. Lakhs) Duration
Ex situ Conservation, Propagation, population structure and mycorrhizal association of Pterocarpus santalinus and its associated tree assemblage Andhra Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, Guntur,A.P. 60,76,284 2021-2024
Ex situ conservation and propagation of medicinal plants through model nursery AYUSH,GoI New Delhi & APMAPB -NMP 25,00,000 2020-2022
“Ex situ Conservation and Propagation of Threatened and Endemic Plants of Eastern Ghats of India” MoEF& CC/BSI 88, 13, 640/- 2017-2020


Title of the Project Funding Agency Project Worth

(In Rs)

Biodiversity Assessment and Bioprospection of lichens in Rayalaseema forests of Andhra Pradesh, India.  (In Collaboration with NBRI, Lucknow, UP, India.) CSIR






Ex situ Conservation of wild medicinal plants Agri Science Park Project Sponsored by Ministries of Industries and Commerce Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Agri Science Project Ministries of Industries and Commerce Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 2,50,000 2011-2014
Large scale cultivation and commercialization of elite varieties of Banana for Rayalaseema region.  Agri Science Project Ministries of Industries and Commerce Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 3,00,000 2009-2011