
Year of Establishment


Vision and Mission


This department mainly focus research activities related to the Molecular aspects of Abiotic stresses tolerance in crop plants, Phytoremediation of heavy metals, Production of biodiesel from local forest plants, Molecular taxonomy of vascular plants and their function and medicinal properties, multiplication and preservation of endangered species, etc.
Our Department is also engaged in developing different transgenic approaches to improve photosynthesis under Abiotic stress conditions in agronomically important crops with regional relevance.
Our Department has collaboration with Intra Schools and inter departmental, mainly working on identification and formulating the active components in some important local flora with medicinal value in long go. Discussions are in progress with other Departments, Schools of Life Sciences in other Universities and Institutions to collaborate in various aspects in areas of Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and Molecular Medicine.


Our mission is to discover, maintain, and transmit knowledge concerning basic plant biology and provide leadership in the biological sciences.

Seminars / Conference / Symposia / Workshops / Guest Lecturers Conducted: 04

1. International Seminar on Plant Biotechnology and Genomics (ISPBG-2009).
2. Biotechnology: Pros and Cons seminars in Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa).
3. Genomics Workshop in collaboration with UGCNRCBS-MKU-2012.
Dr. Linga Reddy Gutha, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington visited the department 27th September, 2010 and delivered lecture on “Expression profiling and functional characterization of genes in response to abiotic and biotic stress factors in plants”.

Botanical Garden

This department is also maintains Botanical Garden. This facility with a land stretch of 18.27 acres is on the University Campus. It serves for collection and maintenance of useful germplasm for various crops and plant species that have invaluable utility in the area of Plant Bio-Technology and Genetic Engineering. This is another innovative programme launched by the University.
Botanical gardens are living repositories of indigenous and exotic, cultivated and wild plants, It is a place where a wide variety of plants are cultivated for scientific, educational, and ornamental purposes, often including a library, a herbarium, and greenhouses. Yogi Vemana University Botanical Garden is basically developed to educate the students, researchers and common man about plant biodiversity and its importance in human well – being.

For More Details about the Botanical Garden, Visit Here